I am a very experienced international photographer with a background in photojournalism and travel photography. I have been living in Amsterdam for the last 10 years. I have a studio in Amsterdam and since last year I have been building up a portfolio of portrait, fashion and glamour photography. For a limited period I am offering my services to aspiring models on a TFP basis. If you would like to pose for me, please contact me. I am looking for enthsiastic models who are not shy and can take direction.
I have been in the photography business for ten years
I am mainly interested in portraiture but also fashion and glamour.
Er zijn 81 foto's in het portfolioalbum "Basisalbum"van Victor Anthony. U kan er nu 20 zien mits volledige toegang. Deze foto's werden nog niet geplaatst in een specifiek (samenwerkings-/project-)album.
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